Friday, 18 January 2013

The Depotting Dilema

We are having yet another snow day in my neck of the woods so I am trying to have a productive day at home by organizing some of my (admittedly large) makeup collection.

The area of makeup that I seem to have most of (other than Nail Varnish) is eye products.  Eyeshadows, eyeliners and mascaras seem to be a weakness of mine.  Part of the problem is that I have a lot of single eyeshadows in bulky packaging (No7 I'm looking at you) and also eyeshadow palettes that don't get the love they deserve because I rarely open them because I only really love a few of the shades.

I feel as if I need to do a bit of depotting but I've never done it before - eek.  I would still like to have actual palettes.  I am thinking I might have to invest in some unii palettes.  I mentioned them in my wish list of items to get after project pan finished but I might be naughty and buy them in advance.  Tut Tut.

Lets have a look at some of the worst offenders in the 'taking up more room than they should' category.

These are the singles and palettes that I would like to depot.  The open ones are the ones that I reckon are taking up the most room.  A lot of these were freebie gift with purchases that I have only kept because I like one colour so it is definitely not a good use of space.

Here you can see all the colours that I have in my sleek palettes.  The bright blues and oranges are ones that I would never wear, I think I could probably say that at least 12 of these are ones I don't really need.

Oh No7, how I loved you back in the day.  One thing I have never loved is the packaging (although the new style is much much nicer).  There is just so much plastic here, I cannot wait to have all of these in one place.

I think that just writing this post has convinced me that I do in fact need to have a couple of unii palettes so that I can free up some space in my Alex unit.  Now to decide what colour to get...

Have you ever depotted your eyeshadows to make more space?

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